There is No Such Word as "Can't"

“grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign” by Kristina Flour on Unsplash
This word is verboten in the household. Although the kids have used the word in our house, they know that they are not allowed to say it. There is no such thing as “can’t” or cannot, as in “I am unable to do this” or “it can’t be done” — umm, no. Wrong answer.

Can’t should not be a part of your vernacular either. Or better yet, can’t can’t be a part of your normal conversations! Even my peers at work know my response, my visceral reaction, to that word when it is brought up in a conversation. It is an easy escape from the hard work.

Can’t should be replaced with something more active. Can you imagine a better, more positive response to that phrase? Can if? Instead of “we can’t do it unless we have more people” change it to “we can if we have more time.”

By immediately defining the negative of the situation, the psychology of that effort dwindles — the defeatist mentality begins to take over. If you say we can’t, why should we even try? The accuracy of words matters. The semantics matter.

Stop being negative

“white and red do not enter signage” by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
Never assume the negative aspects of a situation. Sure the less desirable outcomes and not preferred, however, there is ALWAYS a way around the word can’t There is always a solution. If there is any reason why you are in the role you are in, it is because you are a bright and capable individual that is able to find a solution to problems every day. Can’t is not in your phraseology.

If you think “can’t” is a reasonable response to a problem, then you are not using your full potential as a human being. Let alone your full potential as someone that is extraordinary. Are you a sheep? Are you Squidward, giving up on the slightest challenge of difficulty? Do you immediately call it a “roadblock?”

Our roadblock is that is…

Wrong. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Back up and try again.

It is not a roadblock. If anything, it is a speed bump. If there is ANY sort of barrier, then you need to begin thinking like water. Sorry to sound all zen, but be like water. Flow up over, or below things in your way. Flow around the obstacle. Think of a way to solve the problem in front of you. Find the path of least resistance. We as a human race, with our opposable thumbs, have found a solution to almost every problem we are presented with that stops us from our goal. Allow your ancestral successes provide guidance, channel your DNA/ancestral ingenuity, and find a solution to the barrier in your way. Once you find a solution, do not delay — decide to use that new solution, that idea you just brainstormed with your peers, as an opportunity to keep moving. Make that choice to continue toward your goal.

Do not stop.

Do not hesitate.

Keep flowing like water.

Should can’t ever be an excuse? Not in my sphere of influence. Why would you let a simple four-letter word get in your way? Do you enjoy it when people tell you what you CANNOT do? Do you listen to anyone that tells you that you can’t do that? What is your usual response? Here are some samples, try them on for size. The first one is the most powerful.

Why not?
Says who?
Don’t tell me what I can’t do!
Pound sand!

Do what is necessary and find a solution. Use your brain for something other than a doorstop. Exercise that mass of pudding in your bucket. There is no longer a reason for you to be negative about challenges and opportunities.

Kill the word can’t and the opportunities will always be available at your door.

Go forth and be brilliant.


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