Share Your Ideas and You'll Become Rich Beyond Your Wildest Imagination

Are you a giver or are you a taker? Do you try to share everything that you have or do you try to keep things close so that no one can steal it? How do you get those around you to level up?
You should share your ideas and share your concepts. Always. Often. Why?

“Do Something Great neon sign” by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash
It allows you to leverage the ideas and thoughts of a different worldview. Someone else’s perspective will help you build on those dreams.

Ego check.

The reason why you do this is that you are not an expert in everything. Seriously. You may be an expert in photography. Or one that can articulate and present engineering development in a rich and impactful manner. Or in helping others see their full, true potential, and teach others to be more empathetic in their actions, but you too can use the help. The help you need to level up.
You can certainly be the one that comes up with all the ideas, the creator. You can be the one that’s driven to push everybody to the next level, but you need to learn to share those ideas and skills with others around you. Do not be a selfish, egotistical, unsharing backstabber protecting your slice of the pie. Sharing your skills, abilities, crazy ideas and insane thoughts by socializing this “flow” with those closest to you will help your creativity and productivity greatly. These concepts will make your ideas richer in value, richer in quality, and have greater value to yourself and everyone around you through the effort of sharing.

Be careful, as there are some side effects of sharing your ideas and concepts! When you integrate those new changes, those plans that have been seeded from those you shared ideas with, you need to be sure to recognize their contributions. Recognizing that contribution gets them to recognize that you recognize them (circular argument)! They realize that because you have asked them, and that you heard them and you listened to their ideas you respect their input. You now have a member of your army. Someone who will watch your back, someone who trusts you and you can also trust.
If you are implementing change, trust is HUGE.

Trust gets everyone on board sooner because now they are invested in you and your ideas. You share your ideas, and are implementing their suggestions? Or destroying your ideas entirely and acting on their ideas — whoa. Seriously? They will fight for you to the end.

Change management comes from the investment of the audience that is expected to participate. They become invested and built on the foundation of your concepts. Because you gave them the opportunity to learn about it before it was implemented, they are not surprised by the ideas. They will help make it bigger, stronger, and bring it to life faster than what you had originally intended. Additionally, those efforts help build relationships with those closest to you. Relationships matter. Having those successes will make you rich Beyond Your Wildest Imagination.

The next time you think of a new idea, do not wait to share it with those near you. Sure, maybe it feels too soon. No fear. Share it early, share it in a premature state. Use a bit of a mechanical Turk to see what changes others may create with you, for you! Be careful, you might become better at what you were doing and create an even more robust solution if you had created it on your own.

Level up.

What are you waiting for?

Go forth and be brilliant.


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