Boomerang Effect - Do it Right and be Amazed

Boomerang Effect

NO! Not the social psychology term which is best described as “reverse psychology.” Boomerangs. Everyone has the mental image of the boomerang. The bent and shaped piece of wood with Aboriginal origins? The shaped stick, the one that is designed to return to it’s thrower if enough energy is remaining from the launch? We aren’t going to talk about the hunting versions, but of the returning version. Did you know that the boomerang has the same behavior characteristics as business and relationships? Do you know how bomerangs work? Have you ever tried to throw one? Do you even know how to throw one?

Understanding how to exert the right amount of force in the right direction will bring the boomerang back to the thrower. You can’t go and fling it as hard as you can without direction and expect success, it crashes violently or fails to fly correctly. Nor can you throw it lightly , not giving the right amount of energy it deserves as it will not have enough energy to return. Same for direction. If you fling it in the wrong direction it will deviate from the right return path, missing the intended target.

Thanks for the boomerang lesson Mike . What the heck are you talking about? Boomerangs do not have behaviors…. Boomerangs are a lot like relationships and even businesses. Depending on how much energy you apply and in what direction will yield the right results. Sales efforts, even if you put in 10x more energy than the next person, will not yield any results if you are putting the energy into the wrong direction. Same for relationships. Same for business. In order to get that return on investment, you have to expend the right energy in the right direction with the right people for that positive result.

Moral of the story is that you need to understand how to apply what energy and effort is needed and in which direction in order to have success. That understanding can be developed while attending education programs such as the altMBA, coaching, mentoring and even failure from trial-and-error attempts. All of these efforts helps build that experience and wisdom to be successful in relationships, business, and throwing boomerangs!


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