Being at work and working are two different things

How many times have you heard this? Dude, I work 60 hours all the time. OR I have been working straight from 6AM to 6PM. Everyday.


Being AT work versus WORKING are two disparate remarks. Just because someone is AT work does not always mean that they are working. How often do you see someone at work wasting time? Socializing, chatting with their coworkers or cubemates, standing around, sitting in meetings but not participating? Sure, they are at work, but not physically (or actively) working. It happens quite often.

I suspect that these same people who claim these massive schedules, wearing them like badges of honor, always have all their work done? Or claim that they have SO MUCH WORK they are drowning. Man, I am Busy Dude. Crazy Busy.

More work, less talk. GO DO. Quit slacking off. Do your work and GO HOME.

Additionally, many businesses say that they want to be more flexible and be more edgy. They say they want people to have a more flexible work-life schedule. Yet call meetings at odd hours, demanding that you attend, even though you are not directly related to the project or issues to be discussed? Handcuffing the person to their computer or phone. Hell, put an ankle chain on me for that matter.

Or do these same businesses say they want to be more flexible, but then demand that you report to the nearest facility owned building, to be sure they are inside at work in the building?

Using the rule of threes, the average employee gets less than 67% — or 27 hours — of work accomplished in a 40-hour work week. What do you think?


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