EAA Airventure - Oshkosh Bound!

The company plane N927LE (Pratt and Whitney turboprop) and N427LE (Lycoming iE2 piston) are en route to Oshkosh as of 6:30AM PDT (1330UTC) and they can be followed on FlightAware a live flight tracking website where you can track private aircraft by the tail number.  You can also track commercial flights and flights from specific airports.  You can watch the Lancair Evolution's by clicking on the tail number (N927LE and N427LE) so you can see the track, speed and altitude.  This time of year we have to get an early start because the thunderstorm buildups that occur in the midwest are not so fun to fly in.  However, the Evolution aircraft are in a class by themselves, and are capable of getting to their destination safely and quickly.  With the Garmin G900X display and using XM Aviation weather, the aircraft can get en route weather information and deviate as necessary. If you wanted to get creative, displaying your Jeppesen charts in the G900X and having your back-up set in the Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation, makes for a clean cockpit!  A recent story in Plane and Pilot represents the Evolution kit aircraft nicely.

The turbine-powered Evolution was the first.  It was developed around the PT6A-135A 750SHP turboprop.  The plane is built for comfort, speed and controllability, is just an absolutely phenomenal machine.  It climbs like no other GA aircraft that I have flown in and I giggle like a little kid every time I get to fly.

The Evolution powered by the Lycoming iE2 is an impressive solution by incorporating electronic control to increase overall engine efficiency.

A quick and dirty comparison of the experimental kit-aircraft Lancair Evolution versus various certified aircraft.  If you have the time and the desire to build your own aircraft for 1/2 the price of the certified world, this is a solution you cannot pass up.  It isn't as hard as it looks. Kitplane Construction will give you an idea what to consider.  Although it is an older publication, it gives you an idea what you may expect.  Remember however, the Evolution is an evolution to the kit building industry to overuse a cliche.  The kit is much more uniform and easier to build than the kits in the past.  Something to consider.

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