
Showing posts from December, 2018

Swallow Your Pride

It is ok to be wrong. Suck it up. Own your mistake . Be a big kid and recognize you were wrong and move on. Holding a grudge does not win friends and creates a toxic environment for everyone around you and relationships suffer . You were wrong. Do not try to blame anyone else. Do not deflect it. Own it. “look what I can do! What? I’m peacocking?” photo by Kelly Sikkema on  Unsplash Swallowing your pride can also be about doing something that you may believe is beneath you. Like carrying out your own office trash. Sure, you have been there in the business since God was a kid, so what? Do something that is human, something that is not designated as cognitive dissonance. Stop trying to remind everyone that you are better than that. Swallow your pride. The key behind swallowing your pride is taking action to remedy it. Note “action” in that sentence. You made a decision and you are choosing to do something about it. Even though you may be embarrassed. You may feel it is ...

You Don’t Always Have To Win

It’s okay. We still love you. You do not always have to win. There are those of us who are competitive, and then there are those of us who are really, really competitive. The ones that cannot stand to lose. The ones that absolutely, barring any cost, consideration, or rules, must win. Must. “I love winning” photo by Japheth Mast on  Unsplash In the effort of trying to win everything every time you burn bridges, you destroy friendships, you make relationships suffer. Winning at all costs is not a rational decision. Inter arma enim silent leges — Cicero ~60AD Specifically translated — “f or among [times of] arms, the laws fall mute .” Loosely interpreted as ignoring the rules, win no matter what, win at all costs. Winning. Winning is the only option in your eyes. You always have the first word, always having the last word, always being right — even when wildly wrong. Making your point louder does not mean it is more right. Talking over the top of others is not m...